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Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Fears: Heights

Many people have acrophobia. I am not one of those people but I am severely scared of heights. I am so terrified that I can't even walk on the glass floor of the CN Tower! Being afraid of height is a disadvantage. I hate it. This is why I always try to do something that involves heights, in hopes that my fear of it will go away. During the summer, I attend camps where I go zip lining, rock climbing and do high ropes. I try to push myself to the limit. This year, at Camp Olympia, I did high ropes. It was horrifying! When I started, my legs were shaking like crazy and it felt like my heart was going to pop out. When I finished the coarse, I felt proud of myself. I hope someday, I overcome my fear of heights. Until then, I'll keep doing risky stuff involving heights.

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