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Monday, February 7, 2011


I got you exactly 2 years and 7 months ago
You were all black cept for the gray line down your spine
You were young and full of energy
As time went by, I saw the drastic changes
From black 
To gray 
To white
From young and active 
To old and quiet
Just yesterday, you were so live
Jumping from one hand to the other
There was a sparkle to your eye
It was as if you were young again
I went to bed happy as usual
But boy, 
Was I ever gonna get shocked
As I began my morning routine
I walked over to your cage
You looked asleep
I tried to wake you like I always do
But you were limp as a corpse
I was terrified and shocked
What happened? 
Just yesterday you were alive
I shed a couple of tears and sent you on your way
As I lay awake, 
I remember the good ol'days
I miss the squeaking of your wheel
That usually began at midnight
I miss holding you 
I miss petting you
But most of all,
I miss you
It dawned on me
Nothing is forever
This fact really horrifies me
But I know it's true

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