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Monday, November 14, 2011
I know we don't talk anymore and there has even been times I've noticed we've walked right by each other without saying a word. There are those times, however, when we see each other... make eye contact... and I know, no matter how hard we both try and hide it... that you miss me just as much as I miss you
Sad Friendship Quote
Do you know what its like to reach for the phone, and then have to pull your hand back because you remember you're not supposed to call anymore? You sit back with tears building up in your eyes because you know its not the last time you'll miss the conversations you had.
Friendship Quote
I wish I could walk away and forget what we have,but I can't,because I know you won't come after me,and I guess that's what hurts the most.
Friendship Quote
It breaks my heart; it makes me sad to think of all the times we had.You made me laugh and you made me cry. And all that I can do is sigh,and wonder why.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Thanks for everything you did
It's sad that I wasted two years on this
I couldn't see through your facade
But now I know perfectly well
You're fake
Everything you said was a lie
Spilled secrets to everyone
And talked behind my back
You lie and betray
Words cannot describe how much you hurt me
But you don't give
And I pretend I don't care too
Someday you'll realize what you did
But it'll be too late
For now,
I'll just pretend you don't exist
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tips: Running
I love running but it can get a little challenging. Over the years, I established habits that improved my running. I have a few tips to help you run long distance without stopping.
First of all, you need to practice. Start running a bit everyday and increase the distance as you progress. If you're practicing for a race, try to run twice, or even three times the distance of the race (if your race is 2km, run at least 4km).
Before you run, don't forget to stretch! This is a crucial step to avoid hurting yourself and pulling a muscle. I suggest to jog about 400m and then stretch. You don't want to stretch before warming up. Your muscles won't be warmed up and this will effect your running.
Wear something comfortable. You can wear expensive sport apparel or a just a plain shirt and shorts. It doesn't matter as long as you feel comfortable and it's suitable for the weather.
Make sure your shoes are tied tightly. You don't want to lose a shoe while running. Also, wear appropriate running shoes and not those fancy ones (Nikes, Keds, Converse etc.)
Stay hydrated! Sometimes you don't run as well as when you drink plenty of water (about 8 glasses of water a day). Your body needs fuel. If you have a race, I suggest to drink lots of water the night before so you'll be hydrated and ready in the morning.
Try your best to eat healthy. Not only will this improve your running, you will also feel a lot better. Junk food and sugars are difficult for your stomach to digest and there are barely any nutrients. Make/buy healthy snacks.
Whether you run for fun or not, these tips come in handy. I follow them and they have improved my time, endurance and health. Good luck and have fun!
Monday, April 11, 2011
My Top 10 Pick-Up Lines
1) Can I take a picture of you? So I can show Santa just what I want for Christmas.
2) If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.
3) I lost my number. Can I have yours?
4) Are your legs tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day long.
5) Did you fart? Cause you blow me away!
6) Are you an alien? Because you just abducted my heart.
7) You look so sweet! You're givin' me a toothache.
8) Do you have a map? Because I just keep getting lost in your eyes!
9) Do you have a quarter? Cause my mom told me to call her as soon as I meet the man of my dreams.
2) If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.
3) I lost my number. Can I have yours?
4) Are your legs tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day long.
5) Did you fart? Cause you blow me away!
6) Are you an alien? Because you just abducted my heart.
7) You look so sweet! You're givin' me a toothache.
8) Do you have a map? Because I just keep getting lost in your eyes!
9) Do you have a quarter? Cause my mom told me to call her as soon as I meet the man of my dreams.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
This Year
This year was certainly not the best.
One of the worst I would say.
Struggled a lot,
And failed almost everything.
But there were some positives too.
My homeroom teacher,
She actually cared.
And my friends too.
Without them,
I would've already moved.
Next year will be better.
Next year will be better.
Monday, March 28, 2011
I don't really know why I'm writing this, but I am. Here goes nothing. We all have friends. At least we think we do. As we grow up and mature, we start to realize that not everyone is a true friend and it becomes more difficult to find real friendship. There are friends who you've known forever. There are friends that pretend and are fake. There are friends who are just acquaintances. There are friends who don't care and it's a one way street. There are friends who keep you as a spare tire. And there are friends who are truly your friends and they mean the world to you. I have experience with all of these type of friends.
I have this one friend that I've been close to since grade 4. She's just plain awesome! We don't see each other anymore because I moved in grade 6 but we are still in touch (via email).We've been friends for more than four years and we're still pretty tight. She gives me advice and I help her out. She's a true friend that I'm glad to have.
There is this other person who I've known for about two years. We've been really close for the two years I've known her but we have many fights now-a-days. I starting to question our friendship. I feel like a spare tire. Everytime she quarrels with her friends, she comes to me. When their friendship is back on tracks, she ditches me. I feel left out when I'm around and I find a lot of times she doesn't even listen to what I'm saying. I know that she doesn't really care though she says she does. Everytime I try to talk to her, she calls me self-centered and selfish. Somehow, we're still friends but I know our friendship won't go far.
This year, I have become very close with a person. I don't know how I'll survive next year without her! She's always there for me. I tell her everything and she tells me everything. It's not a one way street like with other people. She knows when I'm upset, when I want to cry and when I'm lying. I don't think I'll find a friend like her ever again. She's been with me through tough times. She makes me smile when all I want to do is cry. She is a truly awesome friend. :)
Last but not least, I have this (now called) acquaintance. We've known each other for about two years. We've been close for a while and then drifted apart. Sometimes I think she doesn't care and I feel like it's a one way street. At times, when I try to start a conversation, she either ignores or makes it uncomfortable. Me and other people try to fix this relationship but it feels like the other person doesn't want.isn't trying. I guess it was fun while it lasted. I guess it doesn't matter cause I won't see her next year.
Once again, I don't know why I wrote this. I guess I was out of ideas and this was one of the topics close to my heart. I have a LOT of experience with good and bad friendships. In the end, I learn and try not to repeat the same mistake. Friends come and go. But good friends will always be there. :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Quote #18
I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
DIY Makeup Remover
I found a great recipe on how to make Makeup remover! It works really well and you can also use it as a brush cleanser!
What You Need:
1/2 cup of water
1 tablespoon on tear free baby shampoo
1 tablespoon of baby oil
1 Bottle
Take 1/2 cup of water and add the shampoo and oil. Stir gently and avoid creating bubbles. Pour the substance into a bottle. Now you're ready to use it! It removes everything! Mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush, bronzer etc.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Quote #16
The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone else he can blame it on.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
New Lip Balm!!!
Yes, I bought ANOTHER lip balm. This time, it's the Soothing Care lip balm by Nivea. The packaging is great, like always. The cover is a pale turquoise/light-blue with white and dark green plus signs. It's nice and sleek. The lip balm itself is yellow but applies clear. It has a nice faint smell. Everything about it is great except the actual lip balm sucks. It's not moisturizing and feels dry on you lips. The application isn't smooth like with the other lip balms. Overall, I don't like it.
Rating: 2/5
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Take The Stage By OPI
This is a gorgeous orange-ish/reddish copper colour! It's a non-streaky metallic colour. The formula and the application is amazing. It reminds me of Lucerne-tainly look marvelous by OPI. I love it! This nail polish is ideal for fall time but I still bought it, even though it's spring. It's very opaque but it looks best with two coats. It also has shimmer/glitter particles which shine/sparkle in the sun. Like all glittery nail polish, it's harder to remove. Overall, this is a beautiful nail polish and I will be wearing it a lot.
Rating: 4.5/5
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Try so hard
And fail
Hurts so much
Feel Pessimistic
That's all you can think about
Are down
Constant frown
Scared of failing
Going to sit and sob all day
Not going to try again
The end
Friday, March 11, 2011
Quote #7
Someday your prince will come. Mine took a wrong turn and is too stubborn to ask for directions.
Quote #6
I miss you a little, I guess you could say, a little too much, a little too often, and a little more each day.
Out of Ideas....
Lately, I haven't been blogging much. Why? You might ask. Well, I don't really have "inspiration". I usually blog about things that happen in my life. I get most of my ideas when I'm upset. Lately, I've been pretty happy, so I wasn't blogging much. My friends, troubles/problems/issues, music and family "inspire" me to write poetry. When I'm not on a roll, my writing sucks. That's why I don't force my self to blog when I'm facing a writer's deadlock. I'm hoping something interesting will happen soon so I can resume blogging.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Upside Down House
The Upside Down House is located in Poland in the tiny village of Szymbark. This unusual house was created by a Polish businessman and philanthropist named Daniel Czapiewski. It took him 114 days to construct this instead of the usual three weeks. This is a popular tourist attraction. Some visitors claim to feel dizzy and nauseous. This is one house I'd love to live in! :)

New Perspective
Buildings look like they're toppling down.
People are below me.
Birds are flying over my feet,
While the air is buzzing with heat.
Everyone is rushing somewhere,
Even the squirrels run past me.
Everyone has a different perspective.
This one's new to me.
People are below me.
Birds are flying over my feet,
While the air is buzzing with heat.
Everyone is rushing somewhere,
Even the squirrels run past me.
Everyone has a different perspective.
This one's new to me.
The Pain's Still There
Whoever knew,
That I would like you.
It makes my heart hurt to think back.
I figured out the qualities you lacked.
The pain's still there.
It ain't going anywhere.
It took some time,
To make you mine.
Now there's nothing I can do,
Because once again, I lost you.
You've swept me off my feet.
Then dropped me,
And left me all alone.
Nowhere near home.
Now I'm really sad.
Now I'm really sad.
There's no one I loved as much.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Just Like Before
It's going to be just like before
Not seeing you for months on
Missing you
Constantly worried
Even prayers don't help anymore
Wish you'd be able to stay
Close to us
But I know,
You do this for us
Cause there's no other choice
Least you'll bring bring something special when you come back
I hope someday you wouldn't have to leave
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
if i stay - Gayle Forman
I just finished reading this book. I really enjoyed it. I think it's very eye-opening with a bit of romance and adventure. This book says "Will appeal to fans of Stepehnie Meyer's TWILIGHT". I somewhat agree. I read Twilight and enjoyed it but I find this book different. If i stay is about a girl, Mia, who is a ghost. On a "snow day", her family goes for a drive. A truck hits her car and her mom, dad and brother, Teddy, all die. Mia is alive but in critical conditions. She is a ghost. She watches her family and friends from afar. She hears everything they said but they can't hear/see her. Will she choose to stay or die? In the end, I was bawling my eyes out. I think this is a really good book.
Mike was a grumpy, selfish ghost
At a party, he fought with the host
Later, fell through a wall
And ended up in a hall
He is now trapped and can't make a toast.
There once was a puppy named Mark
He adored to play and bark
One day he hid a bone
The next, he found a phone
He searched again and found a dead shark
Bobby thought he was a cool dude
He wore Nikes and a red hood
One day he got robbed
His head was nearly chopped
And now he can't eat any food
Mr. Bear
A huge bear once lived in a tree
He enjoyed drinking ice cold tea
One day he fell down
His face a constant frown
All because of a tiny bee
Clean, Different
Serving, Hitting, Volleying
Trying to beat everyone
Returning, Slicing, Acing
Lawn, Clay
My Ballad
The first time I saw you,
I didn't think you'd be the one,
To hurt me and break my heart.
But now I realize that we're done
Falling in love is easy
But getting back up is the difficult part
I know you said no and I understand
But just thinking of you breaks my heart
Seeing you everyday is a struggle
It's hard for me to stand tall and keep my head up high
Seeing you with someone else is even worse
Tears roll down my face and I can't help but cry
They say I can do better than you
I want to believe this is true
But I have too many doubts and my confidence is low
I need a new perspective and a brand new view
I need to grow up and man up
Get over it and forget the past
Learn from my mistakes and not repeat them again
Find someone new and have a blast
Monday, February 28, 2011
We were once close
But now I beg to differ
Nothing in common anymore
I guess we fell apart
I feel like you couldn't care less
It's like you dislike me now
I told you once and I repeat
It's not a one way street
I hate being the one to do everything
I try so hard
You barely move a muscle
And then you ask me why I'm sad
I guess it's time to move on
Find new people to socialize with
We were bound to part ways anyway
A year sooner won't make much of a difference
Another great friendship gone
Just like that
I truly thought this would work
I truly thought this would work
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1) Ride a motorcycle
2) Visit the Taj Mahal
3) Meet Adam Lambert
4) Go Skydiving
5) Go skinny dipping
6) Go bungee jumping
7) Play at Wimbeldone
8) Visit Australia
9) Go scuba diving
10) Publish a book
2) Visit the Taj Mahal
3) Meet Adam Lambert
4) Go Skydiving
5) Go skinny dipping
6) Go bungee jumping
7) Play at Wimbeldone
8) Visit Australia
9) Go scuba diving
10) Publish a book
Take a breath
Everything will get better
Everything will be ok
We're humans
We make mistakes
Take a breath
Everything will get better
Everything will be ok
We're humans
We make mistakes
Quote #5
Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that is why it's called present.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Trust, Respect
Caring, Loving, Listening
A friendship that ends is one that never started
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Poetry is my saviour
It keeps me from going crazy
I have too many things going on
No one knows about
All those thoughts and feelings,
Put into words.
Helps me digest and think
Without it,
I'll probably be dead
At times,
I just need to write
To keep me from blowing up
When I convert my emotions into words,
It feels like a relief
Like I talked to someone
Then I feel free
Too Much To Bear
Sometimes I just want to disappear
Right into thin air
Avoid all these problems and mishaps
Pretend to live someplace else
Pretend to be someone else
This noise is annoying and unnecessary
I just want it to go away
Your cries and attitude is getting on my nerves
You irk me so much and my ears hurt
Grow up
Learn to speak
Just stop
I want my peace and quiet again
I still love you though
Acrostic #1
Always on the go
Loves to play tennis and any other sport
Boring isn't part of my vocabulary
I love lemurs and monkeys
Not always optimistic, sometimes pessimistic
Already fourteen
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Inspirational Books
I'm a bookworm. I usually read adventurous and romantic books but sometimes I stumble upon inspirational books. So far I've only read two that I recall and I loved both of them.
1) Sh*t My Dad Says - Justin Halpern
This book is basically a biography. It talks about Justin Halpern's life and his dad. There are many hilarious quotes by Justin Halpern's dad. I loved this book. The cover seems kind of boring but I guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. This book has kept me laughing the whole time. I fell in love with all the quotes and Justin Halpern's dad. His dad is an amazing character. The way he acts and what he says just makes you want to laugh. I loved this book.
2) Tuesdays With Morrie - Mitch Albom
This is a very eye-opening book. It's about an professor who is dying and his old student comes every Tuesday to visit him. During each visit, the professor recaps his life and talks about his experience. This book makes you realize a lot of things that you probably haven't noticed before. By the end, I was in tears.
Top 10 Ways To Break Up With Someone
I was talking to a friend when this idea popped into my head. I made a list of my top 10 ways to break up with someone.
Top 5 Ways To Break Up With Someone
1) Give them the "It's not you, it's me" speech
2) Text Message
3) Tell them you're gay
4) Facebook
5) Break up with them on Valentine's Day
6) Ask them if they would like to double date with you and your new boy/girl friend
7) Play them I Was Only Kidding By Weird Al Yankovic
8) Tell them you're not ready for commitment
9) Tell them that they can do better than you (aka you're not good enough)
10) Say you need a break or that you just want to be friends
How I calm My Anxiety
I'm a tennis player. I play about 4-6 hours a week in the winter and 15 hours a week in the summer. On the weekends, I play tournaments. I'm usually very nervous right before the tournament. I have over three years of experience and over that time, I found a couple of tricks/tips to help calm my anxiety.
I am usually start to get nervous two to three days before the tournament or whenever I find out the draw. The reason why I get nervous is because I'm insecure and/or afraid to lose the match. I try to google tennis tips that might help me out in the game. Also, I try to talk to my friends about it and have them re-assure me that I'll be fine. I try to boost my confidence and self-esteem. These are some of the things I do a few days before the tournament/match.
I get SUPER nervous a couple of hours before the tournament. I get butterflies in my stomach, I'm really jittery and I can't eat. To calm my anxiety a couple of hours before the match, I try to find ways to distract myself. I find that reading a book, playing games and doing something active tends to distract me. I usually play on my Ipod. Sometimes, if I'm REALLY nervous, my mom gives me a calming tea. Distracting yourself is the key when you're extremely nervous right before the match.
At the beginning of the match is the hardest time for me. My hands tend to shake and I get butterflies in my stomach. The way I cope with this is by warming up. When you're hot and sweaty, you forget about your problems and worries and focus on getting water. The beginning of the match is the scariest part because you don't know the player and who will get the lead. It's important to relax and just play. Don't try anything fancy. Just try your best and hopefully you'll win the first game. Afterwards, you become more relaxed and start to play better. Also, don't stop playing hard even if you're winning. You never know, the other player might catch up.
Those are the tips/tricks that help me with my anxiety during a tournament. You have to be prepared. Don't worry to much and try to distract yourself. Look confident and don't look nervous/worried/scary. Relax and just play how you normally play. And most of all, have fun.
Friday, February 18, 2011
I'm In Love...
...with my lip balm. I just bought it a few hours ago and I'm in love! Not only does it smell REALLY good, it's also VERY moisturizing! The perfect combination! The lip balm is by Nivea and it's in Fruity Shine, Strawberry. Words cannot express how much I love it! It smells like strawberry syrup and I just want to gobble it up! When you put the lip balm on, it gives your lips a sheer red tint. The packaging is really cute and it's very affordable. Did I mention that it also has tiny sparkles? In my opinion, it's perfect! I'm going to purchase the rest of the Nivea lip balm collection.
The Way To My Heart...
1) Flowers (black roses)
2) Chocolate (my weakness)
3) Lip Balm (Nivea)
4) Mints (Excel)
5) Adam Lambert (<3)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I Miss Being Your Friend
We used to be friends
We used to talk
You used to tell me stuff
You used to not ignore me
Like always, I just had to mess it all up
Now, I regret it
Regret it all
Never doing that again
I learned from my own mistakes
I miss our conversations
I miss your retard-ness
I miss just talking to you
Without all this awkwardness
But most of all,
I miss you
Monday, February 14, 2011
Quote #3
I was talking to my friend online and she wrote something that literally cracked me up!
"doldemort << aha i see, voldemorts brother. Yes, he is quite the charmer, he actually has a nose"
"doldemort << aha i see, voldemorts brother. Yes, he is quite the charmer, he actually has a nose"
Sunday, February 13, 2011
My Top Youtubers
1) Juicystar07
2) AllThatGlitters21
3) Saaammage
3) Shane Dawson
4) NigaHiga
5) BrittaniLouiseTaylor
6) vsauce
7) luanlegacy
2) AllThatGlitters21
3) Saaammage
3) Shane Dawson
4) NigaHiga
5) BrittaniLouiseTaylor
6) vsauce
7) luanlegacy
Green-Wich Village By OPI
I love bright colours that stand out. I really wanted a neon green nail polish and Green-Wich Village was almost a neon green. I like the nail polish and I'm wearing it right now. It takes three coats to get the pretty green colour. It applies very sheer but after three coats, it looks fantastic! This nail polish is kind of a pale neon green. I thought it would be brighter but I still like it. This colour is perfect for fall time (I got it a season too late) but I'm still gonna wear it a lot. Green-Wich Village looks amazing with Black Shatter by OPI on top.
Rating: 4.5/5
L'Oreal Paris Dermo-Expertise Ideal Balance Clarifying Toner Review
I finished my bottle of Nivea Visage Gentle Toner two weeks ago. I cannot live without a toner so I had to get one ASAP. My friend suggested that I buy the Garnier Skin Naturals Clean & Fresh Invigorating Toner. The store I went to didn't have any of the Garnier toners so I had to choose another one. I ended up buying the L'Oreal Paris Dermo-Expertise Ideal Balance Clarifying Toner. I really like this toner. I think it's better than the Nivea Visage Toners. This toner visibly minimizes pores & controls oil. It also has a fresh/cucumber smell to it. It leaves skin soft and smooth without tightness or residue. This toner is made for combination skin and is 200ml. One thing I don't like about the toner is that it claims to remove oil, makeup and other impurities. It doesn't remove makeup. You have to use makeup remover beforehand. Otherwise, this toner is amazing and it does what it claims to do. I'm probably going to repurchase it after I try the Garnier Skin Naturals Clean & Fresh Invigorating Toner.
Defenition: Tree
1. a plant having a permanently woody main stem or trunk, ordinarily growing to a considerable height, and usually developing branches at some distance from the ground.
2. any of various shrubs, bushes, and plants, as the banana, resembling a tree in form and size.
3. something resembling a tree in shape, as a clothes tree or a cross tree.
5. family tree.
6. a pole, post, beam, bar, handle, or the like, as one forming part of some structure.
7. a shoetree or boot tree.
8. a saddle-tree.
9. a treelike group of crystals, as one forming in an electrolytic cell.
10. a gallows or gibbet.
11. the cross on which Christ was crucified.
12. Computers. A data structure organized like a tree whose nodes store data elements and whose branches represent pointers to other nodes in the tree.
13. Christmas Tree
Main Entry: | tree |
Part of Speech: | noun |
Definition: | large plant enclosed in bark and shedding leaves |
Synonyms: | forest, hardwood, pulp, sapling, seedling, shrub, softwood, stock, timber, topiary, wood, woods |
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